New Straight Talk Book (4th…

New Straight Talk Book (4th Edition)


Non-member price: $35.00

Member price: $30.00

In 1985, SAA produced Straight Talk on Spondylitis, the first comprehensive publication in the United States developed for patients and their families to help them understand and manage spondylitis. The publication received rave reviews from rheumatologists and others in the medical community, including the Journal of Rheumatology and the Journal of the American Physical Therapy Association.

Complimentary copies were distributed to every rheumatologist in the country and the book was even translated for distribution to physicians throughout Japan.

SAA has released an updated version of this groundbreaking book, which provides patients with a straightforward look at the nature of the disease and important tools to manage it successfully including information on therapies and treatments, activities, and exercise programs, and tips for coping with the psychological challenges of living with a chronic illness. This fourth edition has color photos and illustrations to complement the content.

Newly expanded and updated sections include guidance on:

  • Physical activity
  • Diet and exercise
  • Medications
  • Mental and emotional wellness
  • Employment considerations
  • Exercise program

Straight Talk on Spondylitis also includes a removable medication chart. It remains the most extensive self-management book geared to the spondylitis patient



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