Recommended by Patients for Patients
The following is a list of doctors who have been referred to the Spondylitis Association of America by one or more members of this organization, or have made it known that they have a special interest in spondyloarthritis and would like to be included in this listing. The following criteria are required in order to be included in these pages:
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Although the directory is regularly updated, you may encounter some addresses and phone numbers that are no longer valid. If this happens, please alert us so we may update the listing.
An additional resource is The American College of Rheumatology (ACR) membership directory. To search their directory go to the “Find a Rheumatologist” section of the ACR website, at Find a Rheumatologist. The online directory is updated regularly and can be searched by either location or doctor’s name.
Your doctor is working for you. You and your doctor should function like a team!
Verify a doctor’s credentials at the American Board of Medical Specialties website. The site will provide you with information about the physician’s primary practice, subspecialty, and board certification.
Once you’ve narrowed down your search to a short list of doctors, you may want to set up a “get acquainted” appointment, and inquire whether that appointment would be fee-based. Call the front desk to find out if the doctor is accepting new patients and if a referral is necessary. This might be the best time to ask approximately how many spondylitis patients are seen annually.
This brochure was designed to help you get the most of your rheumatology visit and advocate for yourself and your unique health needs.
Donations by members of the SAA, including our corporate member AbbVie, support our programs and services.
The Spondylitis Association of America is solely responsible for all of the content hosted on
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