Now in its third year, the Summit is a free virtual event that brings together renowned rheumatologists and other health experts to discuss the topics that matter most to people living with the disease. This year’s program featured 12 experts from the international community who discussed Disease Information & Medical Management, Complications/Living with SpA; and Holistic Approaches & Exercise.
Axial Spondyloarthritis: An Immune-Mediated Cause of Back Pain
Peripheral Spondyloarthritis Including Subtypes PSA and EnA
Medications for Spondyloarthropathy: What’s Working, and What’s on the Horizon?
COVID-19 and Rheumatology
Complications in Spondyloarthritis
Emotional Impact of Living with SpA
Uveitis in Patients with Spondyloarthritis
Spondylitis & Fatigue
Spondyloarthritis: Integrative Approaches including Diet
Aquatic Exercise & Spondylitis
FAQs About Exercise for People with Spondyloarthritis
Exercise: Yoga for People with Spondyloarthritis
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