The 6th Annual Global Spondyloarthritis Summit features renowned rheumatologists and other health experts who provide the most up-to-date findings and medically reliable and comprehensive information on essential topics that matter to those living with the disease. Whether you are newly diagnosed or have been living with the disease for years, the Summit is your opportunity to learn tips and tools for managing your symptoms.
Importance of Movement and Fitness in Spondyloarthritis Management
Minimizing Fatigue and Strain, Conserving Energy, and Hacks for Daily Living
How Do Apply Precision Medicine in AxSpA?
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
Research and Treatment in Advances in Spondyloarthritis
Building Resilience: Filling Your Cup While Living With Chronic Illness
Osteoporosis and Ankylosing Spondylitis: The Journey
The Feldenkrais Method
Breakout Discussion Session: I Wish I Knew Then
If you could go back in time, what would you tell your newly diagnosed self about living with SpA?
Breakout Discussion Session: Energy Conservation and Managing Fatigue
Being mindful of our energy reserves and recognizing the need for rest and self-care.
Breakout Discussion Session: Using Tech for SpA Management
Using technology and wearable tech like smartwatches, as well as apps for tracking nutrition, exercise, and medications.
Breakout Discussion Session: Cultivating Joy
Developing mental and emotional resilience in the face of chronic illness.
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