
Meetings offer education, encouragement, emotional support, and allow for open discussion about managing and living with spondyloarthritis.

Upcoming Meeting(s)

Saturday, July 13, 2024
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM Central Time.

This will be aa virtual meeting, using Zoom. Please contact Iain McDonald via email at iain.m@juno.com for more information.

Topic: Fatigue and Open Discussion

This meeting will have two themes. First, we will explore the phenomenon of Fatigue. What is it? Does it just mean we are tired? Why we experience it and what we can do about it. We will show part of a presentation by Nancy O’Brien put together by the Spondylitis Association of America from several years ago.

Then we will open the discussion to any topic you want to discuss. Maybe you are new to all this. Is there a question you have? Come, let’s share our experiences.

In-person Meeting Location

The Woodlands Methodist Church
2200 Lake Woodlands Drive
The Woodlands, TX 77380

First floor, café area, North end of the main building. Look fir the sign.

Afterwards we usually grab a bite and talk informally.

RSVP with support group leader, Iain McDonald by email at iain.m@juno.com

Meeting Schedule

The Woodlands support group meets online the second Saturday of the “odd” months. That means January, March, May, July, September, November.

We ALSO meet in-person the second Saturday of the “even” months at The Woodlands Methodist Church.

Group Website

Visit The Woodlands’ group website at this link.

The Woodlands Group - Dr Reveille



Iain McDonald

About Iain McDonald, The Woodland's Support Group Leader

Iain and his wife Jane have lived in The Woodlands for over 23 years and have been part of The Woodlands AS support group since its inception in 2008. He retired from Anadarko Petroleum in 2015.

Iain has had SpA for about 50 years, first showing up as iritis. Ten years later he was finally diagnosed. He is a big advocate of staying active to ease the symptoms of SpA. He recommends everyone find an activity they can handle and keep at it. He really enjoys the camaraderie of the SAA Support Group. It’s a fun time of learning and encouragement.

Want to Start a New Support Group?

We’d love to have you join our team of passionate volunteers leading our spondylitis educational support groups! Learn more about how to get started here, and reach out to programs@spondylitis.org