My whole medical team is honestly a huge part of that. It takes each one of them doing a piece to make it all work. However, I would say that we are the number one influence on our health. Are we following doctor’s orders, staying active, keeping a positive attitude, helping the AS community to be more aware and educated?
— Summer C.
Rheumatologist, PCP, and massage therapist.
— Angi B.
Rheumatologist and my Primary Care Practioner both have the greatest impact on my symptoms. I don't know what I would do without them.
— Regina J.
My PCP has had my back, quite literally, from the beginning of my search for answers and after the diagnosis. I don't know where I'd be or what I would do without him.
— Kellianne M.
Believe it or not, my podiatrist! If it weren’t for him I would not have gotten my diagnosis, especially after years and years of searching.
— Stacey T.
Nutritionist and CrossFit Coach
— Ben Bradley
Rheumatologist, PCP, Functional Med Chiropractor. In no certain order. It takes a village.
— Christina K.
Jim S. I totally agree. The only thing I get from doctors are blank stares and a prescription. I’ve learned everything about pain and disease management myself.
— Jody P.
1. Acupuncturist 2. Rheumatologist
— Jocelyn S.
My General Practice/Internalist Linda Coleman.
— Holly F.
Rheumatologist and my dermatologist helped diagnose my spondylitis or as it's now called, psoriatic spondyloarthritis.
— mick9511
My ophthalmologists, it was because of his diagnosis and referral I went to rheumatologist this past September and received my diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis. 20+ years of thinking I was crazy or a hypochondriac.
— @onlylight210
My ophthalmologist is my hero. After several cases of uveitis, he sent me for x-rays then referred me to a rheumatologist who diagnosed the spondylitis. I still see him often (unfortunately) but he got me started on the path to controlling my pain.
— @ramaswife
Currently...functional medicine
— @RachelCloud5
Pain Management
— @notoriouscmoney
Pain management specialist and Rheumatologist
— dibs4court10e
My pcp diagnosed me and does my pain management; my rheumy adjusts/adds my meds. My family is my rheumy's pet project as we are confirmed 3 generations of AS'ers. All 3 of my kids are gene positive, 2 are officially diagnosed at the moment.
— Janet B.
At my stage of progression, my Primary Care Physician is my main "go-to."
— wepete
Rheumatologist, Ophthalmologist.
— morganzwerlein
Orthopedic surgeon and physical therapist.
— treehuggingdirtlover
You missed pharmacist. But I see my care as a team approach. I'm the most important person in my own care. I make the ultimate decisions about my health.
— boldtupwrite
Rheumatologist and some help since diagnosis from PCP.
— Sheri D.
My rheumatologists, especially the one who gave a 25-year-old female the right diagnosis 29 years ago when AS was considered a “man’s” disease.
— Pam W.
My rheumatologist! After 6 months of doctors and testing then I finally asked for the referral from my primary.
— Tricia E.
It took a physical medicine doctor to diagnose my AS using a simple blood test and MRI. Chiropractors and physical therapists missed an ongoing issue for 8 years. My PCP knew right away that a 30yo was too young to have this kind of pain. Thank God for awesome doctors! I’d give them a medal if I could. Now my rheumy keeps me in good shape.
— Patricia A.
I would say rheumatologist. Side note: I would change “psychologist” to “mental health care provider” to also include social workers, mental health counselors, and psychiatrists.
— Sandra P.
My Rheumatologist at Kaiser... Dr Salazar... he's truly a great doctor and I couldn't go through this without him.
— Christy W.
My rheumatologist. Very smart, caring physician. I am fortunate.
— Amy H.
My PCP and rheumatologist.
— Leigh C.
My Rheumatologist for sure!
— Cheryl M.
My rheumatologist. She takes great care of me.
— Gina M.
1st place goes to Rheumatologist, Dr. Isam Diab diagnosed me.
— Michelle M.
My rheumatologist. She happens to be my sister-in-law as well.
— @LauraalynnePage
My rheumatologist has the greatest effect on managing my symptoms.
— @sfdegraff
My Rheumatologist hands down. I don't know what I'd do without her. And to be fair I found her through my Ophthalmologist who treats my Uveitis. They work together to treat my AS/Uveitis. I know how fortunate I am to have them both.
— kenmare14
Rheumatologist...others don't know much about AS...
— alxcorzoph