The Feldenkrais Method

The Feldenkrais Method

Sue Seto, Canadian Director of the Feldenkrais® Guild of North America

Video Presentation

Even if you missed the live breakout sessions, you can still catch up by viewing the summary of the discussions.

Breakout Discussion Session: I Wish I Knew Then

If you could go back in time, what would you tell your newly diagnosed self about living with SpA?

Breakout Discussion Session: Energy Conservation and Managing Fatigue

Being mindful of our energy reserves and recognizing the need for rest and self-care. 

Breakout Discussion Session: Using Tech for SpA Management

Using technology and wearable tech like smartwatches, as well as apps for tracking nutrition, exercise, and medications. 

Breakout Discussion Session: Cultivating Joy

Developing mental and emotional resilience in the face of chronic illness.