Your Stories
ByTheresa Silva

Managing AS in the Workplace

I was finally diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis in 2010 when I was in my late forties. By then, my back pain had become my constant…

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ByReevu Neogi

Reevu Neogi

I remember the first time I experienced the effects of Spondylitis, it was the year of 2011 and I was 17 years old at the time.  I was at a sports event at my school, when suddenly…

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All of your stories are inspirational in their own way. Here is an abbreviated version of my story. I hope that my story will help educate and inspire someone.

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ByCarrie Kellenberger

Carrie Kellenberger

I never expected to lose my mobility, but that is what happened in July of 2014 when my body gave out on me and I could no longer move the way I used to. Year by year,…

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ByMike Lindsay

Mike Lindsay

I was walking between classes in school one day when all of a sudden I felt extreme pain in my hip and couldn’t walk any further. I’d been very healthy up to this point, a school sprinter…

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ByKristen Shields

Kristen Shields

Hello, my name is Kristen and I’m 31.  I’ve debated for a long time about a sharing my story because I wondered how I was going to tell it? Who would relate? Would anyone benefit from hearing…

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