Your Stories
ByMike Lindsay

Mike Lindsay

I was walking between classes in school one day when all of a sudden I felt extreme pain in my hip and couldn’t walk any further. I’d been very healthy up to this point, a school sprinter…

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ByKristen Shields

Kristen Shields

Hello, my name is Kristen and I’m 31.  I’ve debated for a long time about a sharing my story because I wondered how I was going to tell it? Who would relate? Would anyone benefit from hearing…

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ByCandace Jackson

Candace Jackson

The pain and stiffness of this disease, and the severity of my other conditions (I also have Ulcerative Colitis, fibromyalgia, and severe Gastroparesis) have prevented me from continuing to work in my dream vocation as a hospital…

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ByYaakov Lewi

Yaakov Lewi

My name is Yaakov Aharon Lewi which is Hebrew for Jacob Aaron Levi. I am 42 years of age. Not only does my name have a religious meaning but it's a family legacy going back thousands of…

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ByKristin Cornelius

Kristin Cornelius

Part of sharing my story is also admitting I don’t have it all figured out. Yeah, I love to be in control, but as anyone who fights this condition knows you don’t always have the last word.…

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ByRose Bigham

Speaking at an FDA Public Meeting on Chronic Pain

This week I flew out to Baltimore (from Seattle! Looong flight!) to attend a public meeting at FDA…

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