Your Stories

You Are Not Alone

A poem by Mimi   You are not alone You with the chronic pain the unknown, sometimes un-nameable disease plaguing your bones, your insides, your joints   You who are up at night wondering if it will…

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ByCharles A. Tijou

Ankylosing Spondylitis, A Wake-Up Call

The doctor, a young man of 29, already a specialist in his field, had quickly established a ritual each day he came to visit. It…

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ByAsad Khan

Growing Into My AS

This experience has inspired me to pursue a career in the medical field one day. This will allow me to give back and improve the…

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ByAndrew Roe

How to Stay Motivated While Living with a Chronic Illness:…

My faith, gratitude, and keeping my challenges in perspective have also been…

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ByBelén Diaz de Leon-Gonzalez, MSW

Mother and Son, Braving Spondyloarthritis Together

I’ve always believed that having a robust and well-rooted foundation at home can help a child face nearly…

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ByIurii Gryga

I Fled the War in Ukraine. Now I Must Find…

I started having symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis (AS) 10 years ago after…

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