ByBrian Goosen

Your Stories: My 7-Year AS Diagnosis Anniversary

It’s been seven years since my diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis. For such an anniversary I was inspired to…

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ByEmma Matthews

Finding My Culprit, Nr-AxSpA

When I first learned about nr-axSpA, I was terrified by the idea that I might end up in a wheelchair.

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ByHeidi Waltz

Diet and Exercise: My Game Changer

I noticed that whenever my stress and anxiety levels increased, my inflammation markers started to climb, too. I read several books about the immune system…

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ByRick Phillips

I Was the Fat Kid

There comes a time in every person’s life when they adopt what they come to believe about themselves. At some point in my childhood, I…

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ByBatya Bilmes Lemler

Escaping the Opioid Jungle

How can I stop using opioids while I still have chronic pain? Sure, the withdrawal is horrible and we always hear about the joy of…

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ByJim Weatherhead

My Surreal and Deeply Emotional Day

I did not see this coming. I bubbled up with tears of joy as I left a meeting room this afternoon. Here is the story...

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