by Safia Awil
“What does your pain feel like?”
Like termites
Gnawing deep into my bones,
Loosening the foundation of my home
And just generally being a nuisance.
“What does your pain feel like?”
Like a snake
Constricting my spine,
Squeezing and
Slithering slowly
Waiting to stealthily attack.
“What does your pain feel like?”
Like an elephant
With all its weight on my body.
Sometimes the hardest thing to do
is take a breath.
“What does your pain feel like?”
Like a porcupine
Pointed at my palms
And decided to build its home there.
(Sometimes it loves to sit on my lap and nuzzle into my abdomen, it’s sweet).
“What does your pain feel like?”
Like a bull
That’s seen red
In a china shop
Everything in sight.
A can stop won’t stop mentality.
“What does your pain feel like?”
Like a pet kitten.
Comfortable (but definitely not comforting)
I wonder what my life was like before it.
The new centre of my universe.
“What does your pain feel like?”
Like a blue whale.
I seem so small at its enormity.
It also makes me feel blue.
“What does your pain feel like?”
Like a fly.
So small yet so persistent.
How can something small drive you so crazy?
The bane of my existence.
“What does your pain feel like?”
Like a jellyfish.
Its fast acting venom can poison my day
so so quickly.
“What does your pain feel like?”
Like a crocodile
With its jaw unhinged
And mouth wide
Ready to swallow me whole.
“What does your pain feel like?”
Like a dog
That’s taken particular interest in my spine
And chews no other bone.
Can someone pass me the number to a trainer?
“What does your pain feel like?”
“Oh, it’s okay.”
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