Community Voices

Welcome to our virtual community! Start by browsing through the personal stories featured here.

We have organized these stories into two categories: Your Stories – stories sent to us at the Spondylitis Association of America – and selections from The Faces of Ankylosing Spondylitis project. 

We’d love your story as well! Send it to us at

Tell A Story with SAA Storytellers, Your Stories on Stage! Send Us Your Story Pitch!

Are you interested in being a part of SAA Storytellers, Your Stories on Stage?

SAA is always looking for those in the spondyloarthritis community to tell their story (patients, caregivers, medical personnel, and friends of the community – all are welcome!).

ByTom Neal

Don’t Fall!

By the year 2000 I was noticeably “bent over” in my upper thoracic and cervical spine. The local, well-regarded neurosurgeon said he could “straighten me up?”, but the mortality rate was approximately 50%. His last words to…

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ByMichael Leach

Michael Leach

At the time I received my diagnosis, I was on the brink of my twentieth birthday. I was a healthy and fit young man, just starting my college basketball career, looking forward to a long life of…

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ByKathleen Barth

Kathleen Barth

Ankylosing Spondylitis What the heck is that? I can’t even say it. (Pronounced ank-kih-low-sing spon-dill-eye-tiss)

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ByRoz Tolliver

Cursed And Gifted With AS

Yay! I have a chronic, debilitating, painful, and incurable disease! My lifelong nightmare was over when I was diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis and prescribed medication…

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ByJames Magdaleno

The Bully

We all have a Bully in our lives, whether it be a physical person or in the form of pain or anguish, but we all have one. Since childhood my Bully has taken on many forms and…

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ByJessica Baird


The long road to being diagnosed took a toll on my mental health, even though I have not been officially diagnosed with any mental health issues. The effects of being misdiagnosed and being told I have cancer…

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