Community Voices

Welcome to our virtual community! Start by browsing through the personal stories featured here.

We have organized these stories into two categories: Your Stories – stories sent to us at the Spondylitis Association of America – and selections from The Faces of Ankylosing Spondylitis project. 

We’d love your story as well! Send it to us at

Tell A Story with SAA Storytellers, Your Stories on Stage! Send Us Your Story Pitch!

Are you interested in being a part of SAA Storytellers, Your Stories on Stage?

SAA is always looking for those in the spondyloarthritis community to tell their story (patients, caregivers, medical personnel, and friends of the community – all are welcome!).


Face 1119

My name is Melissa and I am 24. I have suffered from AS for an estimated five years, though I was only diagnosed two years ago.

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ByKevin Stevenson

Face 1214

I began experiencing symptoms around the age of 23. Although I had periodically experienced symptoms prior to then, my first distinct memory was when my roommate, some friends and I went to the movies.

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ByAmy Hicks

Face 1243

I first began having pain in my very early 20s. I went to my primary doctor, who told me it was a pulled muscle, gave me pain pills and sent me on my way with a “come…

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ByStacy Bagal

Running with AS

I am a 64 year old marathon [26.2 miles] runner who was diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis in May of 2016. I started to have lower back pain when I was in my late teens. Being an active…

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ByFelecia Campbell

Felecia and the Ankylosaurus

Hi. My name is Felecia. I’m from Portland, Oregon. I’m a social worker and a songwriter. And this is a little bit about my life...

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ByBatya Bilmes Lemler

Escaping the Opioid Jungle

How can I stop using opioids while I still have chronic pain? Sure, the withdrawal is horrible and we always hear about the joy of…

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