Community Voices

Welcome to our virtual community! Start by browsing through the personal stories featured here.

We have organized these stories into two categories: Your Stories – stories sent to us at the Spondylitis Association of America – and selections from The Faces of Ankylosing Spondylitis project. 

We’d love your story as well! Send it to us at

Tell A Story with SAA Storytellers, Your Stories on Stage! Send Us Your Story Pitch!

Are you interested in being a part of SAA Storytellers, Your Stories on Stage?

SAA is always looking for those in the spondyloarthritis community to tell their story (patients, caregivers, medical personnel, and friends of the community – all are welcome!).

ByLaRiena Ferguson

Lifting the Weight of AS

I used to be a very angry person because I hurt all the time. Now, it takes a lot to even make me agitated. I’m…

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ByDanielle Noble

Spondyloarthritis, My Support Systems, and Me

When I was nine years old, I went to the doctor for a mysteriously swollen knee, one that I couldn’t remember hitting on anything and…

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ByMohamed Saeed

Spondyloarthritis: A Story of Math, Disconnection and Pain

I feel more and more detached, yet I have high hopes. I keep praying. Without prayers I can…

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BySara Shaw

Seeking the Light at the End of this Tunnel

I do not have all the answers, but I know that we will get through this, and while…

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ByRachel Zaimont

Walk AS One Helps the Spondyloarthritis Community Find Their “Happy…

“There comes a point where you either subdue to it, or you…

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Flowing Through My Ankylosing Spondylitis Diagnosis

In 2018, I was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis and other related diseases. While there was a sense of relief that I finally received answers, I…

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