Community Voices

Welcome to our virtual community! Start by browsing through the personal stories featured here.

We have organized these stories into two categories: Your Stories – stories sent to us at the Spondylitis Association of America – and selections from The Faces of Ankylosing Spondylitis project. 

We’d love your story as well! Send it to us at

Tell A Story with SAA Storytellers, Your Stories on Stage! Send Us Your Story Pitch!

Are you interested in being a part of SAA Storytellers, Your Stories on Stage?

SAA is always looking for those in the spondyloarthritis community to tell their story (patients, caregivers, medical personnel, and friends of the community – all are welcome!).


You Are Not Alone

A poem by Mimi   You are not alone You with the chronic pain the unknown, sometimes un-nameable disease plaguing your bones, your insides, your joints   You who are up at night wondering if it will…

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ByCharles A. Tijou

Ankylosing Spondylitis, A Wake-Up Call

The doctor, a young man of 29, already a specialist in his field, had quickly established a ritual each day he came to visit. It…

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ByAsad Khan

Growing Into My AS

This experience has inspired me to pursue a career in the medical field one day. This will allow me to give back and improve the…

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ByAndrew Roe

How to Stay Motivated While Living with a Chronic Illness:…

My faith, gratitude, and keeping my challenges in perspective have also been…

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ByBelén Diaz de Leon-Gonzalez, MSW

Mother and Son, Braving Spondyloarthritis Together

I’ve always believed that having a robust and well-rooted foundation at home can help a child face nearly…

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ByIurii Gryga

I Fled the War in Ukraine. Now I Must Find…

I started having symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis (AS) 10 years ago after…

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