ByAndreas Iacovou, B.Sc, M.B.A

Spondyloarthritis and Aquatic Exercise Rehabilitation

Physical activity is widely recognized as an effective, safe, and feasible component of standard care for individuals with…

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ByAnna Lafian, DO, MS

Lifestyle Tips to Optimize Wellness

I find it really exciting to be in the field of rheumatology nowadays. Over the past several years,…

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BySpondylitis Association of America

A Prescription for Exercise

With all the current therapies for ankylosing spondylitis (AS)—anti-inflammatory medications, biologics, dietary modifications, and even surgery in some cases— the consensus among most is that…

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BySpondylitis Association of America

Tackling Chronic Pain

If your spondyloarthritis is being appropriately managed, but you are still living with uncontrolled pain, additional therapies may be needed. While there are numerous options…

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ByDavid Yu

Central Sensitization and its Role in Chronic Pain

Pain: We'd do just about anything to be rid of it. It can take over the body, the…

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BySturdy McKee

The Exercise Cheat Sheet

Why don’t we exercise? We all know that it is important. We have also heard the myriad ways it can benefit our health. Exercise can...

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BySturdy McKee

Get Up and Move—Repeat

We live in a place and time where many of our activities are in front of us and below eye level. We drive and commute…

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BySpondylitis Association of America

The Benefits of Tai Chi

According to the Mayo Clinic, Tai Chi is “an ancient Chinese tradition that, today, is practiced as a…

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ByWilson McCoy

Tai Chi

“Hi, my name is Wilson McCoy and I have ankylosing spondylitis (AS). I am 71 years old and have had the disease for several years before...

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