Spondylitis Plus Archive
BySpondylitis Association of America

SAA Turns 35! How Did We Get Here?

35 years ago, a small group of AS patients changed the course of spondyloarthritis, and jump-started its research…

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BySpondylitis Association of America

Highlights From SAA’s Spondylitis Seminar: Q&A With Dr. John Reveille

Editor’s Note: On November 4, 2017 the Spondylitis…

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BySpondylitis Association of America

Non-Medicinal Approaches To Treating Spondyloarthritis

In recent years, experts in patient care in spondyloarthritis have recognized that a hands on, multi-use approach that…

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BySpondylitis Association of America

Fatigue in Spondyloarthritis: Identifying and Addressing Causes

While fatigue is not unique to spondyloarthritis, it is a rather common symptom of it, and one that…

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ByLianne Gensler

Q&A With A Medical Professional

Question: We hear so much about customized medicine in the media. We know they can test for whether a mood altering drug, such as...

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ByRichard Feingold

Clarifying the Social Security Disability Program

This article will explain and simplify the Social Security disability program and how it generally applies to claims related to spondyloarthritis.

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ByKathy Holliman

Sex Differences in Ankylosing Spondylitis

“It is evident that sex plays a very important role in AS. The symptomatic burden of AS tends to be higher in females than in…

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BySpondylitis Association of America

A Prescription for Exercise

With all the current therapies for ankylosing spondylitis (AS)—anti-inflammatory medications, biologics, dietary modifications, and even surgery in some cases— the consensus among most is that…

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BySpondylitis Association of America


The biologic drug landscape shifted in March 2015 when The Food and Drug Administration approved the first of a new subclass of treatments to be marketed in the United States—biosimilars.  Recently, a second biosimilar product—Inflectra (infliximab-dyyb)—a biologic…

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